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Best of 2024: Online Master’s Programs in Delaware (DE)

Delaware students looking for a convenient and affordable way to earn a master’s degree may be interested in studying online. Have a look at some of today’s top online master’s degrees in DE.

Author: Ellery Weil

Editor: Staff Editor

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A panoramic view of a suspension bridge illuminated at night, with reflections visible on the calm water below under a colorful twilight sky.

With its mixture of convenience, affordability, and academic variety, it’s a “small wonder” that many Delaware students are interested in exploring opportunities to earn an online master’s degree. Pardon the pun, but did you know that “small wonder” is one of Delaware’s many nicknames? Most famous, though, is the “First State,” as Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution.

Whatever you call it, Delaware is home to a wide range of academically rigorous online master’s programs for state residents and students from around the country. What are online master’s degrees in DE like, and should you pursue one? Peruse the guide below to find out.

Today’s Top Online Master’s Programs in Delaware

For Delaware students who’ve decided to pursue an online master’s degree, the next step is likely to be looking for programs that align with your goals and needs. Although not a large state, there are several reputable, accredited universities offering online master’s programs in Delaware in a variety of academic disciplines.

Which program is the best fit for you depends on a variety of different factors, including not only what subject you want to study but whether you want to study full-time or part-time, your financial situation, whether you prefer a fully online program or one with hybrid elements, and more.

With those features in mind, there are a few standout, high-quality institutions in Delaware offering online master’s degrees that combine academic quality with support for students and affordability. Consider the highlights of these schools below to see why their online master’s programs are highly rated in 2024.

The University of Delaware is the flagship of the Delaware public university system and perhaps best known today as the alma mater of President Joe Biden. It offers a variety of online degrees, including over 20 online master’s degrees in fields ranging from international business to nursing to teacher leadership. Whatever your course of study, online master’s degree students at the University of Delaware can expect full-time and part-time, fully online classes with many programs offering opportunities for individual research projects and/or experiential learning in their field.

As a state school, the University of Delaware offers in-state tuition for Delaware residents. However, many of its online graduate degrees offer a flat rate of tuition for all students regardless of residency. Additional financial aid may also be available.

Another member of the public university system of Delaware, Delaware State University has a physical campus in Dover but also offers several online programs including six fully online master’s degree programs and one online doctoral program. Online master’s students at Delaware State can choose between several career-oriented master’s programs, like public administration and social work, with full-time and part-time study options for working professionals.

Delaware State is a Historically Black institution (HBCU), and this perspective informs its academic programs. Interested students should check their program page for application requirements. Generally, applicants need an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher and should submit their application as soon as possible, especially for programs with rolling admissions.

Wilmington University is a private university with a physical campus in Delaware and many years of experience as a distance education provider. Today, Wilmington offers dozens of online master’s degrees in DE — the largest number of any Delaware university — in diverse fields like information assurance, environmental science, and education studies with many programs offered in full-time and part-time formats.

As a private university, Wilmington charges all domestic graduate students (international students pay a higher tuition rate), both online and in-person, the same rate of tuition, and reduced tuition is available for active-duty military members and students living on Delaware military bases. Additional financial aid and scholarships are also available with scholarship applications opening once per year.

Types of Online Master’s Programs Available in Delaware

Now that you have an idea of what makes a quality online master’s program in Delaware, it’s time to consider the details. There are several different ways you can study for your online master’s, and which one is right for you is a highly personal decision. Below are the different types of online master’s programs in Delaware for you to consider.

Full-time Online Master’s Programs in DE

Full-time online master’s programs, like the Master of Science (MS) in Accounting from Wilmington University or the Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Delaware, are some of the most common types of online master’s degrees. These programs have a similar time commitment each week and time to graduation as traditional on-campus graduate degree programs but can be completed either entirely online or in a hybrid format with either visits to campus or practical/experiential learning components.

Part-time Online Master’s Programs in DE

Some schools offer part-time options for online master’s programs, like the University of Delaware for its MS in International Business and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Family Nursing programs. These are programs typically designed for working professionals or those with personal or family responsibilities. They have a lower time commitment per week and more flexible class schedules, but they do take longer, often several years, to complete.

No-GRE Online Master’s Programs in DE

Looking to apply to an online graduate program like the University of Delaware’s Master of Education (MEd) in Literacy or Wilmington University’s MS in Human Services but suffer from standardized test anxiety? These programs, like more and more online master’s programs every year, take away that worry because they are no-GRE programs that don’t require standardized test scores for your application. Instead, they make admissions decisions based on grades, previous professional experience, and other criteria.

Accelerated Online Master’s Programs in DE

Accelerated online master’s programs, like the MS in Sport Administration at Delaware State or the MS in Administration of Justice from Wilmington University, allow you to complete your master’s degree at a quicker pace than the traditional two-year timeline for most traditional master’s degrees. These online master’s degrees in DE typically require an intensive time commitment per week but can be completed in as little as one year, allowing you to use your qualifications more quickly than average.

A Closer Look at In-demand Online Master’s Degrees in DE

Business Administration

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an extremely popular degree for those looking to advance their careers in the corporate world and learn more about management and the upper levels of running a business. Since many MBA programs, both online and in-person, require several years of work experience from prospective students, this degree is particularly popular for working professionals, and many online MBA programs offer flexible schedules and/or part-time study options to reflect this fact.

Quality Examples of Online Programs


In a world where everyone is increasingly reliant on technology to handle highly sensitive and private information, cybersecurity is a vital and fast-growing field with many job opportunities. This master’s program, and similar ones in the computer science arena, is easy to complete online due to the highly technical and computer-dependent nature of the material you study. Career opportunities after graduation include work in both the private sector and within government or national security-related fields.

Quality Examples of Online Programs

Educational Leadership

Whether you’re established in a teaching career or relatively new to the field of education, a master’s in educational leadership is a great way to make progress toward an upper-level educational administrative career. This includes working as a school principal, among other potential opportunities. Many online master’s programs in educational leadership require prior teaching experience before applying and may require experiential learning in a school setting.

Quality Examples of Online Programs


In many states, a Master of Science in Nursing is required for nursing licensure within certain specialties, like nurse-midwifery or being a nurse anesthesiologist. In addition, earning your MSN is a great way to advance your nursing career in any sub-specialty. An online MSN often includes a clinical practice element to be completed at a local hospital or other clinical setting in your community in addition to your online classes.

Quality Examples of Online Programs

Nonprofit Management

Nonprofits are a vitally important aspect of both the arts and philanthropic sectors, and some nonprofits work with a wide range of causes. In an online master’s program in DE studying nonprofit management, you’ll learn the business and human resources aspects of nonprofit work and gain insight into the unique challenges nonprofit work faces as opposed to both working in the public sector and working in the for-profit corporate field. Related degrees include a Master of Fine Arts (MFA), which covers a variety of areas found within the nonprofit sector.

Quality Example of an Online Program

How Much Does It Cost to Earn an Online Master’s in Delaware?

Wherever and whatever you study, a graduate degree is a substantial financial burden. It’s important to have an idea of how you’ll pay for your education whether through loans, scholarships, savings, or a combination of sources. You should also compare program costs to ensure your program is a good value. Consider the program costs in the table below to get an idea of the differences in tuition among different schools offering online master’s in DE.

School/Program No. of Credits Resident Cost/Credit Est. Tuition










Delaware Financial Aid Options

As you consider the financial impact of your online master’s degree in Delaware, be sure to do your research on available funding opportunities. Depending on your school and course of study, these include research and teaching assistantships and fellowships where you work for your university in exchange for full or partial funding and school-based grants and scholarships like those offered by the University of Delaware.

In addition, be sure to look for private scholarships and other funding opportunities you may be eligible for. The Delaware state website provides a helpful page to get you started and includes state-specific scholarships and grants for Delaware residents, links to the State Department of Education’s resources, and more.

Delaware’s Top-Paying Careers for Master’s Grads

Another important consideration when deciding on an online master’s program in Delaware is how your degree can pay off for you. With different fields growing in demand each year, including certain industries in particularly high demand in Delaware, there are a variety of ways your increased qualifications can lead to a higher salary.

A few in-demand occupations projected to keep growing well into the next decade illustrate this possibility, and these are detailed in the section below to give you an idea of the job outlook and potential salary after earning an online master’s degree in DE.


Historians study, analyze, present, and preserve the past and can work in academic settings, at museums and heritage sites, in nonprofits, and the private sector. To do advanced primary source research, a master’s degree provides you with the necessary research and writing skills.

Delaware Median Salary National Job Outlook Related Master’s Degree
$70,324 3% MA in History

Source: Salary.com, 2023; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023

Instructional Coordinator

Instructional coordinators help both public and private schools design curricula most conducive to student success. This is an advanced educational role that can impact the schooling of thousands of students and typically requires a master’s degree and some experience in education.

Delaware Median Salary National Job Outlook Related Master’s Degree
$67,610 2% MEd in Curriculum and Instruction

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023

Nurse Anesthetist

Nurse anesthetists are nurses specially trained to administer anesthetics in surgical settings and for other medical procedures. While upper-level nursing roles in general often require a master’s degree, it is particularly critical in this role given the highly sensitive patient-centered nature of the work.

Delaware Median Salary National Job Outlook Related Master’s Degree
$198,070 38% MSN in Nursing, Anesthesiology Specialty

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023


A statistician analyzes different forms of statistical data and draws conclusions from it and can work in either the public or private sector. This fast-growing role requires highly advanced mathematical skills, which are honed throughout your master’s degree studies.

Delaware Median Salary National Job Outlook Related Master’s Degree
$111,650 30% MS in Statistics

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023

Urban and Regional Planner

Urban and regional planners help local governments decide on how land should be zoned, what public buildings should be built and where, and more. As this role has a major impact on anyone living in a city and requires both scientific and environmental knowledge and a base in the social sciences, a master’s degree is often required.

Delaware Median Salary National Job Outlook Related Master’s Degree
$62,730 4% MS in Urban Planning

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023